Friday, March 4, 2016

Wrong Messenger

Following up on one item from yesterday's post: I mentioned that Trump is a galvanizing figure - one that might energize just as many (or more) people to vote against him than those that would turn out to vote for him.

Here's an article that provides some support for that notion.
I am on record saying that Hillary Clinton will never be president. She is an awful candidate, and will be an awful candidate even if she is lucky enough not to be indicted. And I have said that anyone the Republicans nominate will beat her. But is it possible that in Donald Trump, the GOP has found the one candidate unpopular enough to lose to the appalling Hillary Clinton?

Our friend Gabriel Schoenfeld has compiled these sobering data:

Looking on the bright side, the Republicans aren’t going to nominate Vladimir Putin, no matter how much Trump admires him. And Assad is busy these days. They can’t nominate Sharpton–slightly more popular than Trump–because he is a Democrat. But Trump? He’s available! And the GOP isn’t called the Stupid Party for nothing.
My feelings about Trump are still evolving, but at this point they can be summarized as "Right message - wrong messenger."


  1. "Right message - wrong messenger." So, so right. But him or hillary, no contest.

  2. Yeah, if it's Trump vs hillary I'm on The Donald's side.
