Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Fix Is In

At first glance, it looks like Bernie Sanders is threatening hillary's triumphant march to the democrat nomination. After all, he almost pulled off a stunning upset in Iowa (notwithstanding suspicions that the outcome was rigged by hillary's supporters), and he beat hillary 2-1 in New Hampshire. But despite his edge in the popular vote, he's way behind in delegates who will actually vote for him.

Clinton Has 45-To-1 'Superdelegate' Advantage Over Sanders
Among (already-selected "superdelegates"), Clinton leads Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders 359 to 8, according to an AP survey of the group that will help elect the nominee at the Democratic National Convention in July...

The 712 superdelegates, though, are still only less than a third of the 2,382 total delegates needed to win the nomination. The rest will be determined, in part, by actual results in the primaries and caucuses...

But these numbers mean Clinton has already gotten 15 percent of the delegates needed — two months before any voting has begun. In other words, Clinton starts with a 15 percentage point head start over Sanders.
So just who exactly are these "superdelegates?"
In the Democratic Party, superdelegates are current or former party leaders, including governors, senators, representatives, and former presidents and vice presidents. These superdelegates, 712 in all, aren't bound by primaries or caucus results to cast their votes — they can vote for whomever they want at the party convention in July.
In other words, they are the democrat party establishment. And they aren't about to hand over their party to some wacky old socialist from a tiny northeastern state. So don't get too excited about the hillary express getting derailed by some aging hippy. It ain't gonna happen. (More here.) (h/t Toejam)

Unless she gets indicted. Then all bets are off...


  1. She's not going to get indicted. If it were at all a possibility she would have been indicted by now. She has far too much on Obama and he knows it. Ergo he's calling the shots and the F.B.I. are unhappy campers.

    The Clinton's aren't known as the "Teflon Twosome" for nothing.

  2. Toejam & NFO - I fear you're right.

  3. Hope she gets the nomination dragging all her baggage with her. My female (P)regressive friends are now blaming Karl Rowe for besmirching her reputation.

    Not a single GOP candidate raises my interest but I will vote for anyone but Shillery.

  4. IMO Karl Rowe has done more to hurt the republicans than he has to hurt hillary. But yeah, I'd even hold my nose and vote for Trump if it came to that.
