Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Kinda busy right now, so I can't devote the time necessary to come up with an in-depth post on this topic. However, I did run across this image highlighting the democrat's hypocrisy when it comes to filling a vacancy on the Supreme Court.

In that same vein, here's a few more reminders of the hypocrisy that runs rampant among the liberals.


  1. There's examples of hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle, but some of the examples on the left are particularly damning. Yet, as per normal, voters don't really seem to care.

  2. There's examples of hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle, but some of the examples on the left are particularly damning. Yet, as per normal, voters don't really seem to care.

  3. Hey Bear,

    You say "voters don't really seem to care".

    You're 100% correct and the answer is simple.

    Just look at the average TV show (Dr. Phil or Modern Family) and the numerous commercials.

    80% OF AMERICANS ARE STOOPID and feast on instant gratification!

    I rest my case.

  4. Only 80%?

    I haven't watched TV regularly for many years, and I've recently cut some social media out of my diet as well. Can't say I miss the force-feeding of stupidity.

    P.S. Tim, I'm not sure why I keep posting duplicate comments over here. Feel free to thin them down if you wish.

  5. Bear - No doubt both sides are hypocrites. But it's more fun to pick on the lefties... :-)

    I have no idea why your comments double up, but it's no big deal.

    Toejam - IMO anyone who watches reality TV should not be allowed to vote.
