Thursday, January 21, 2016

Weekend Weather Update

There is so much going on in the world today that one post per day just won't do it justice. So here is today's second post. You can scroll down below this one to the the first post (or if you're too lazy just click here).

One of the developing stories today is Winter Strom Jonas threatening to wreak havoc on the eastern seaboard.

Virginia, DC declare states of emergency as East Coast braces for winter storm
Washington, D.C. declared a state of emergency Thursday ahead of the oncoming winter storm set to dump up to 2 feet of snow on the nation's capital and affecting states from the mid-Atlantic to New England.

The National Weather Service said in a statement 12 to 16 inches of snow could come down between Friday night and Sunday morning around the Interstate 95 corridor. As much as a foot of snow is possible for Philadelphia's northern suburbs.

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe also issued a state of emergency Thursday...
If I lived in that area, I'd be worried - especially given local government's less than stellar response to the first snow of the season yesterday.
(Washington, D.C. ) Mayor Muriel Bowser also apologized on behalf of the district for what she described as a weak response to car crashes and gridlock after less than an inch of snow fell Wednesday. "We should have been out earlier with more resources," she added.
Things were so bad that obama was struck in traffic for over an hour. Now he knows what the rest of us mortals have to deal with.

Obama Stuck in Bad Traffic Due to Inch of Snow
A 15.7 mile road trip from Andrews Air Force Base to the White House took the president more than an hour last night as the Washington, D.C. area was hit with its first snow fall of the season. The total cumulation of snow last night was 1 inch.

For Obama and his presidential motorcade, the drive took one hour and fourteen minutes.

"Departing at 7:26 p.m., President Obama's motorcade made its way slowly from Joint Base Andrews to the White House through the snowy streets of suburban Maryland and Washington, D.C., stopping at most stoplights and easing its way through slow and crowded traffic, often employing sirens and flashing lights," the White House pool reporter said.

"The vans slipped and skidded on the icy roads, making contact several times with the curb during the more suburban part of the drive. After nearly an hour, the motorcade vehicles started making more aggressive use of their sirens and stoplight privileges.

Ordinarily the president travels between Andrews and the White House on Marine One but was forced last night to motorcade due to inclement weather.
Down here in Texas, we know how to deal with snow.

Anyway, as a public service here is the Bergheim Follies version of this weekend's weather forecast for all you yankees.


  1. Friday 10:00 AM in Western North Carolina About 8 inches on the ground and still coming down..I only have 4 bottles of vino. Gotta call for a helo resupply. I hope the NC Guard are up to it,

  2. I have a good stockpile of firewood, a 4x4, the snowblower hooked up, a case of beer and a rack full of guns that need cleaning. We'll be just fine on our little hill.

  3. Toejam - only 4 bottles? Definitely an emergency resupply situation.

    Bear - only a case? Definitely an emergency resupply situation.
