Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Hey Hey Ho Ho...

... Donald Trump has got to go!

What's the matter, Donny? Afraid of a little girl?
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump abruptly announced here Tuesday that he would not participate in Thursday’s scheduled debate...

Trump’s assertion, which his campaign manager insisted was irreversible, came less than one week before the kick-off Iowa caucuses...

... his boycott leaves him open to criticism that for all his tough talk he is ducking face-to-face confrontations with his opponents and scrutiny from the Fox moderators.

Trump long has objected to the participation of Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly as one of the three moderators, claiming she has treated him unfairly with both her questioning of him at last August’s debate and her commentary since then.
Awww, is the big bad Megyn Kelly picking on wittle Donny?

If he can't handle a little questioning/criticism from a news babe, what makes us think he can stand up to Putin or other international tough guys.

Or even democrat wimps on the home front?

Sorry, Donny, but that's the last straw. Add me to the growing list of people who won't vote for such an egotistical opportunistic blowhard.

After all, in Jan. 2017 we'll be getting rid of one narcissistic hypocrite. Why on Earth would we want to stick another one in the Oval Office?

P.S. - Stay tuned. Tomorrow I'll have a two-part post on why I think republican voters are shooting themselves in the foot.

Update: Walter Hudson says pretty much the same thing I did, but better.
Here's a guy who claims he can somehow "cut deals" with America's greatest rivals. Here's a guy who claims that he will somehow "make America great again" through sheer force of will. Yet, when confronted by the skepticism of a 130-pound woman, he turns tail and runs.

That's the drama unfolding before our eyes as Donald Trump announces that he will boycott Thursday's Republican presidential debate, hosted by Fox News, on account of the network's refusal to remove Megyn Kelly as a moderator...
Is this the kind of leadership we can expect if Trump somehow cons his way into the White House? How is his handling of Megyn Kelly and Fox News anything other than the fulfillment of a personal grudge? What question might Kelly ask, and how might she ask it, that Trump would not be able to answer satisfactorily? This isn't MSNBC we are talking about. There's arguably nowhere in the media that a Republican candidate for president could expect a fairer shake than Fox News.

Trump has emerged as the leader of a personality cult. Like any cult leader, his first and highest priority is denouncing anyone who questions his primacy. He filters a qualitative analysis of any person or institution through one overriding concern: what do they think of me? If they're for him, he's for them. If they're against him, he's against them. It's that simple, and there's no nuance to it. There's no parsing through actions, words, or character. It's a package deal. You're for all of Trump, or you're his enemy. Such unbridled narcissism has no business anywhere near the lowest of public office. The notion that it could occupy the White House should instill terror in all of us.


  1. Yea, I'm a Trump fan but I think Don "the Don" has made a huge mistake getting into a pissing contest with Megyn Kelly. Having said that getting pissed on by Megyn might just be a life altering fun experience. Hopefully, Donald has some secret motive that'll crop up and make him look like a genius.

  2. Toejam - I won't comment on your 'golden shower' fetish, but I will say that as the campaign gets farther along, Trump is showing more and more that he is temperamentally unsuited to be president.

  3. Got to get me that 'not trump' sign

  4. If Trump actually sits out the debate over a minor (emphasis on "minor" here) pissing match with Megan Kelly, it could well be the end of Trump's campaign, allowing Cruz to get ahead and stay there.

  5. CTT,

    America on a whole must LOVE Golden Showers. They've enjoyed 7 years of Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Hillary, Kerry and other Democrats pissing on them.

  6. I see no one in the presidential sweepstakes whom I'd trust as the "head cheese" of America.
    Pick a random name out of the Fork-In-The-Road, Alabama phone book. We wouldn't be worse off than if one of those egomaniacs-with-baggage won the job.

  7. Randy - you and me both.

    Anon - It'll be really interesting to watch this play out. Like you, I think it will be to Cruz's advantage.

    Toejam - Well, they've all pissed on me for the last 7 years, but I wouldn't say I enjoyed it...

    Old Man - I think you're right. In fact, we might be better off with a random choice from Bugtussle USA.

  8. Yep, lowered my opinion of him significantly with that little BS game...

  9. NFO - it was the straw that broke the camel's back.
