Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Double Standard

More evidence that the double standard is alive and well.

In the news last week:
A senior Navy Department official decided Monday to force a Marine Corps officer out of the service for his handling of classified information, three years after he was first investigated after sending a warning to deployed colleagues about an Afghan police chief (Sarwar Jan)  whose servant later killed three Marines.

Maj. Jason Brezler will be separated from the Marine Corps following a decision by acting Assistant Navy Secretary Scott Lutterloh...

Brezler’s case first came to light after he sent an e-mail with a couple classified documents attached to Marines in Afghanistan about Jan (the Afghan police chief). Brezler was deployed to Afghanistan from 2009 to 2010, and had worked successfully to have Jan removed from power in another district... Brezler self-reported his spillage of classified information afterward, and the service found that he had been keeping it on an unsecured hard drive.
Brezler has served in the Marine Corps since graduating from the Naval Academy in 2000, and is now a member of the Marine Corps Reserve. He works full-time as a member of the New York Fire Department, and has deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan.
In other news:
The State Department’s latest release of Hillary Clinton documents brings the total number of Clinton emails known to contain classified material to nearly 1,000.
On one hand we have a Marine veteran (who also serves as a firefighter) in trouble for disclosing classified information in an attempt to save lives.

On the other hand we have a former Secretary of State storing classified information on an unsecured server, and attempting to cover up her role in the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi.

And she will quite possibly be the next Commander-in-Chief.

God help us all...


  1. That'll larn dat jarhead to have integrity. Shillary larn that decades ago.

  2. WSF/NFO - yeah, that darn integrity just messes things up...
