Thursday, November 19, 2015

Ashes To Ashes

I have absolutely nothing to say about this story.

Designer Dildo Contains Loved One's Cremated Ashes
It's a sex toy that someone — maybe you — will be dying to use.

Dutch designer Mark Sturkenboom has just created a sex toy that includes a mini-urn to hold the cremated remains of that special someone.

The erotically-shaped urn is part of "21 Grams," a memory box devised by Sturkenboom to help grieving people feel the presence of their loved ones.
Gives new meaning to "getting your ashes hauled."

Feel free to discuss among yourselves...


  1. The sales of this item to Muslims will go through the roof. Cause each male Muslim is allowed to have 4 wives.

    Then again, maybe they'll economize buy one and share.

  2. ROTF Tim... THAT wins the Intarwebz...

  3. You just can't make this stuff up...

  4. That doesn't happen very often... ☺
