Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Pope's Aftermath

The Pope has come and gone. I'll let wiser minds than me dissect the nuances and implications of his visit. I will, however, note two things.

First, he waited until he was on his way out of Dodge to touch on the current controversy regarding gay marriage.
Pope Francis waited until his historic U.S. visit was over to make his most direct comments on the nation's debate over gay marriage, saying government officials should have the right to refrain from actions that violate their religious beliefs.
Sorry, Pope, but I disagree. If a government official has an issue with a particular law or regulation he/she/it should resign or recuse themselves. Of course, I also think bakers should have the right to decide who they will make cakes for, so what do I know?

The second thing I'd like to point out is the boost the Pope gave to Fiat sales.
On his first visit to the United States, Pope Francis turned heads with his mode of transportation: a black Fiat 500L...
It’s a little black car that’s been talked about as much as the famous passenger riding inside.  When Pope Francis stepped off his plane in Philadelphia, it wasn’t a limousine standing by to transport him around.

It was a Fiat...

Erik Baron of Jeff D’Ambrosia Alfa Romeo Fiat of the Main Line was paying close attention to the Pope’s car.

“I thought cha ching,” said Baron.

It was a four door Fiat 500L, and Erik sells them at Fiat dealership where he works.

“I knew we were going to have people start coming in or calling,” said Baron

“It’s going to have its peppiness, it’s also gonna have space, its got room for your family and the dog,” said Baron.

Just what Carmen and Judy Salamone were looking for.

“We have two dogs, one of which is a great dane and she’ll fit right in the back of one of those,” said Judy Salamone.

Available in 11 colors, and the cost?

“About $27,000 for what he was driving in and we have great rebates and good incentives for coming in to buy it before the end of the month,” said Baron.

“If it’s good enough for the pope, it’s good enough for us,” said Carmen Salamone.
FIAT = Fix It Again Tony

Here's a few more observations of the Papal visit.

FWIW, I am not a Catholic...


  1. I'm with you on the government workers vs. the bakers and independent businesses. And I've wanted a Fiat since we drove one in Italy years ago - zipping down the Autostrade.

  2. Public vs private sector seems pretty simple to me, but I guess some folks like to complicate things.

    Fiats are fun to drive, but not fun to own.
