Saturday, September 5, 2015

More Things I Don't Understand

If one government official can be sent to jail for refusing to comply with the law...
Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk Kim Davis was remanded "into the custody of U.S. marshals for refusing to heed a U.S. Supreme Court order legalizing same-sex marriage... (Davis will) remain in jail until she complies with the ruling."
... why isn't obama in jail for refusing to comply with existing immigration law...
The Obama administration scrambled to satisfy a Texas judge it shouldn't be punished for violating his order freezing an executive action to loosen immigration rules.

... along with every government official who voted in support of sanctuary cities, which refuse to comply with existing law?
8 USC section 1324 "deals with those persons who knowingly conceal, harbor, or shield undocumented aliens and could apply to officials in sanctuary cities and states."

Could it be that there are different rules for different people?

I don't understand...


  1. Do we detect a hint of sarcasm in this post?

  2. Yeah, interesting isn't it... Sigh...

  3. WSF - maybe just a wee bit...

    NFO - reminds me of that old Chinese curse - "may you live in interesting times..."
