Sunday, August 9, 2015

Photo Bombs

Still trying to catch up after our vacation, so in lieu of commentary here's a photo essay on miscellaneous topics.

Speaking of our vacation, her's what my wife's luggage looked like after she finished packing.

When we were on vacation we didn't have access to TV, cell phone service, or the Internet. However, we did hear about the controversy regarding the death of Cecil the Lion. Here's another perspective.

I'm sure the above picture will offend someone. After all, we've reached the point where just about anything you say or do is guaranteed to offend some overly sensitive group of thin skinned losers.

So let's just go whole hog and piss off everyone.


  1. Snerk... You're on a roll this morning! :-)

  2. I'm fed up with people who get offended by anything and everything.

    F**k 'em if they can't take a joke...

  3. Offending people is part of my skillset.
