Monday, August 10, 2015

FOD 2015.08.10

Granted, I just got back from 10 days of vacation. I really needed to get away from the stress of being retired, but then again, I'm not the alleged leader of the free world.

Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard Sojourn Four Times Longer Than Average American Vacation
President Obama will depart the White House with his family for a vacation on the Massachusetts island of Martha’s Vineyard Friday afternoon, one day earlier than his original scheduled departure date.

The Associated Press reported that the Obama family moved up the date of departure, extending their summer vacation to 17 days, more than four times the length of the average American vacation. In fact, Obama’s summer break is one day longer than the total amount of vacation time the average American worker is allotted for an entire year.
Not only is his vacation longer than the average American, it's also spent in much more posh surroundings.
The first family will reside in the same $12 million mansion in Chilmark that they rented last year. Positioned on 10 acres of land, the 8,100-square-foot home houses seven bedrooms and nine bathrooms. The estate is enhanced by a dual basketball/tennis court and an infinity pool.

Obama has spent every summer vacation of his presidency on Martha’s Vineyard, save 2012 when he was running for reelection against Mitt Romney. His vacations are typically punctuated by multiple rounds of golf; last year, Obama embarked on a golf outing a mere half-hour after arriving to the island.
Why not? After all, it's not like there are any pressing issues he needs to address...


  1. At least he put down the damn pen and phone for a few hours... sigh In 45 years of working, I've NEVER had more than two weeks off. EVER!

  2. And yet there is a hardcore group of people in this country that thinks he can do no wrong.
