Friday, August 7, 2015

Back Home

We returned home late last night - or more accurately, early this morning - after a wonderful time spent in the Wyoming mountains with close friends and family. I don't know what was more enjoyable: the fresh air and great weather, the riding and outdoor activities, the time spent on cabin porches talking (and debating - invariably accompanied by several adult beverages)... but I guess my favorite memory of the trip is the ranch butt-darts (no, that is not us in the video - and it is SFW) championship held the night before we left.

To everyone's total chagrin, the title was captured by a lovely English lass who had never played before. She had a unique style of gliding across the floor with the quarter firmly clenched between her cheeks, while the rest of us waddled around like a group of inebriated penguins trying to hold back the runs.

The only negative of the entire trip was the presence of a large wildfire a short distance from where we were staying. The Sheep Creek Fire started in a national forest less than ten miles from the ranch. The terrain is extremely rugged, making it difficult for firefighters to access the blaze. Just about the only way to fight it is with airborne assets - helicopters and planes dropping water and retardants, and smokejumpers. Those assets are difficult to deploy quickly, especially when there are so many fires currently burning in CA and elsewhere.
The Sheep Creek Fire in Tongue River Canyon west of Dayton, Wyo., is estimated to be more than 1,000 acres based upon a reconnaissance flight on Monday evening.

Two helicopters, air tankers, smokejumpers, three hand crews, and county engines and dozers are among the resources on the fire.
When we left the fire was less than 10% contained. Flames from the fire were visible during our evening rides. Smoke drifted over the ranch the last few days we were there, making the sky quite hazy. Possible evacuation plans for properties near the fire were being discussed as we left. Hopefully they'll get it under control soon.

That notwithstanding, we had a great time. However, it was nice to sleep in my own bed for a change. Unfortunately, it's just a one night stand. I have to load up the truck this afternoon and help my son move into his new apartment in College Station. He'll be a junior this fall at Texas A&M. It's about a three hour trip there, but add in loading and unloading time, plus the fact that I'm still a little weary from the Wyoming trip, and the result is that I'll be spending the night there before retuning home tomorrow.

Love 'em or hate 'em, but you have to admit the Aggies do a great job of brainwashing indoctrinating instilling school spirit in their students. Both our son and our daughter will be counselors at Fish Camp this year. They have definitely drunk the Kool-Aid.

I'll get around to catching up on the news later. Right now I'm still savoring my vacation high, and I'm in no hurry to get dragged down into the cesspool of politics and current events...

1 comment:

  1. Don't blame you on that... And yes, those Aggies are 'fanatics'... :-)
