Thursday, June 18, 2015

Studying Abroad

As I've mentioned before, our son is participating in a summer study abroad program at the University of Sterling in Scotland. He left last week.

Since today is his 21st birthday, it seems appropriate to provide a progress report. Here's some excerpts from his latest communique.
Did I mention I'm the only guy in the group...
There are twelve people in this particular group - eleven females, and our son. But wait - it gets better.
The living accommodations are flat style, and of the 3 other flat mates I have I'm the only guy. 
I'm going to get him to buy me a lottery ticket when he gets back. one of the gift shops we went into they (the girls) ended up buying me a kilt. They say it's an early birthday present for me, and as such I have to wear it on my birthday. 
 I did okay - not great, but okay - with the ladies in my younger days, but nothing like that.

However, as they say, lucky in love, totally clueless in budgeting.
I've already had to make a cash withdrawal from an atm ... all the cash I had has gone to food, public transportation, and to go to touristy places. 
We set a budget for him similar to what summer school would cost. Anything over that comes out of his pocket, from funds he earned working summer and part time jobs. So he can make the choice to either eat or visit 'touristy places.'

He's also not very good at planning.
Some other people in the group and myself just bought plane tickets to visit Northern Ireland later on. We've got the transportation and accommodation lined up as well. As for things to do, we're going to run that by our resident advisor since he has a little more insight on those kind of things, so don't worry. Too much.
In other words, we've got the cart. Now all we need is a horse.
Oh well, I guess it could be worse. He gets good grades, stays out of trouble, and hasn't knocked anyone up. And they say travel is broadening...


  1. My wife is Irish living in Ireland and our daughter grew up in Ireland. She attended (and got great marks) University College Cork. Now, for her jinior year, she's a foreign exchange North Carolina. Gee, I happen to live in the Tarheel state.

  2. Yeah, pretty much true with this generation...LOL

  3. Toejam - Any suggestions from your daughter about places to go/avoid in Northern Ireland?

    NFO - I think it's true for all youngsters of any generation - but that's how they get experience...

  4. CTT,

    I've visited Northern Ireland on numerous ocassions with my wife and daughter. My great great grandparents are from County Down. I'd avoid staying over night in Belfast, although a day visit is OK as long as you know the neighborhoods where the thugs congragate and stick to the main center of the city. Also, where ever you go avoid talking politics & discussing the "Troubles, Bobby Sands, etc. And if you are Catholic don't advertize it.

    The entire coastline is fantastic. Wild beauty. You'll require a "hire car" which is expensive by U.S. standards but a few days should be efficient.

    I particularly like the coast-line and have stayed several times in Carnlough at the Londonderry Arms hotel.


    From there you can take day trips around the coast to "The Giant's Causway, the rope bridge at carrick-a-rede


    and, of course: the Bushmills distillery.

