Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Obama Coffee

I'm tired, I'm cranky, I've had a few beers, and I'm fed up with all the political correctness out there. So I'm going to repost a tweet that got the wife of the Israeli interior minister in hot water.

I don't care how many progs get their panties in a wad - that's funny!

And true...

Speaking of coffee:

Okay, one more - just because I can't think of anything profound to post.


  1. The first one is my favorite...

  2. Oh DAYUM... THAT LAST ONE! That is just scary...

  3. The last one reminds me of that old joke: A nun and priest were out playing golf. The priest takes a swing and misses the ball. "Dammit! Missed again!" says the priest. The nun says, "Father, watch your language." The priest takes another swing, "Dammit, missed again!" The nun scolds the priest, "Father, watch your language! God does not like it when you curse." The priest takes another swing, "Dammit missed again. With that, lightning strikes the nun dead. From heaven you hear, "Dammit, missed again."
