Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A Little Behind

Okay, I'm a little behind the curve, but anyway...

It seems that John Kerry is incapable of operating a bicycle.
Secretary of State John F. Kerry broke his leg in an early morning bicycling accident...

Kerry, 71, broke his right femur... No one else was involved in the accident, which occurred when Kerry hit a curb with his bicycle...

I hope he didn't scratch that nice pink paint job.

But at least he can take some comfort in the fact that he's covered by obamacare (snort).

So this guy can't even do what most five-year-olds can. And yet he's in charge of ensuring that Iran doesn't get nuclear weapons?!?
When asked by reporters about the accident, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest admitted that nuclear talks with Iran would be affected by the accident, but reassured them that Kerry would still play a prominent role in the process.
Oh, great. Some bozo who is unable to do something as simple as stay upright and pedal a bicycle is going to play a prominent role in nuclear negotiations with the world's most notorious terror-state.

We're doomed.

I guess he's just following in the footsteps (pedal-steps?) of his master...


  1. I heard Kerry put in for the Purple Heart. He considers his broken leg while negotiating with Iran being wounded in action.

  2. obama will probably approve it...
