Friday, May 1, 2015

Surprise! I'm A Racist!

Two days ago I celebrated a Baltimore mother for disciplining her son because he was peacefully protesting chunking rocks at police. I thought it was a good thing that a parent was removing her child from harm's way while at the same time pointing out the error of his ways.

Now I find out that my approval of her behavior is racist.

Why is America celebrating the beating of a black child?
It’s not surprising that a black mother in Baltimore who chased down, cursed and beat her 16-year-old son in the middle of a riot has been called a hero...

... (The mother's) message to America is: I will teach my black son not to resist white supremacy...
There's more similar nonsense at the link, but I won't waste my time or yours by reposting it here. If you really want to read the ramblings of an angry black woman totally detached from reality, feel free to go there.

In the meantime, here's more racist perspectives on the peaceful protests riots.


  1. Yeah, you're pretty much not alone on that issue.

  2. Hey, guys, welcome to the club.

    I'm buying the first round...

  3. I've discovered as a middle class white man, any opinion I have of anybody with a different skin color automatically makes me racist. I can't hate somebody just because they're an asshole, unless the person in question is another white male.

    Gee, I love double standards. Preaching to the choir, I know.

  4. Bear, be careful there. What about Russian speakers? You expect too much from and you're back on the "racist homophobe anti-immigrant, etc. blacklist.

  5. Ya Know CTT

    I've laid off commenting lately because I see America DOOMED.

    The Liberal Panzers have over-run and destroyed the traditional American Culture.

    The seeds were planted decades ago when Communist Anarchists entrenched themselves in the majority of universities. That began the indoctrination.

    Now, the stealth movement has irreversibly altered America,

    I weep for what was!

  6. Toejam, your comments are always welcome, even if they are full of gloom and doom... :-)

    But sadly, I think you're right. We're on a downhill slide with little hope of reversal.
