Monday, May 11, 2015

FOD 2015.05.11

I hope y'all had as enjoyable weekend as my wife and I did. Nothing special - just a nice, relaxing couple of days, capped off with a Mother's Day dinner featuring elk steaks, sweet potatoes with a bourbon and brown sugar sauce, and minty snow peas with pine nuts (all prepared by yours truly), accompanied by a 10-year-old bottle of Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon.

So I'm in no mood to harsh my mellow with a long diatribe chronicling the manifold failings of one barack hussein obama.

Instead, I will offer up this simple image that does a great job of capturing how I feel about that SCOAMF.


  1. We have received heavy amounts of rainfall. The drought is over. Our pond is overflowing. Yay! A great weekend!

  2. BB - Glad to hear it. Send some our way - we're just getting sprinkles.

    WSF - It was funny, wasn't it...?

    NFO - Yep!
