Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Not An April Fools Day Joke

I'm in Chicago for the funeral of a good friend. As he would have appreciated, the affair is turning into a multi day party. Last night was the preparty. Today is the memorial service, followed by a reception, followed by the after party party. Tomorrow is the say-goodbye-to-everyone party.

That explains why posts for the next few days may be sketchy, incoherent, nonexistent, or a combination of all three.

Assuming I survive, things should be more or less back to normal by this weekend.

Stay tuned...


  1. Send him across the river in style!

  2. On this day last year, I was at a funeral for my uncle in Nederland, TX. It was a good time with all my cousins. Then we drank some beer and started leg wrestling...

    Be safe.

  3. NFO - we did!

    BB - sounds like my kind of funeral.
