Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My New Heroes

In addition to the midshipmen who placed themselves between the peaceful protesters rioters and innocent bystanders in Baltimore, I have a couple of other new heroes.

The first one you have probably seen by now. This video of a mother whapping her son upside his empty head has gone viral. If there were more parents like her, there would be fewer thugs and criminals on the streets.

At least one Baltimore, Maryland, citizen is safe from the riots that have engulfed the city...
Shot by local ABC affiliate WMAR, the video shows an unnamed Baltimore teen, who WMAR said had been throwing rocks at police, being forcibly dragged away from the scene of the riot by his unhappy mother, after she apparently spotted him on television.

"You want to be out here doing this dumb s---?" the woman asks her son, before slapping him in the face a few times.
She's got my vote for Mother of the Year.

My second new hero is David Clarke, Jr., Sheriff of Milwaukee County. The good sheriff "dropped a truth-bomb this morning on “mealy-mouth” politicians and “lib policies” who he believes are responsible for the events we’re seeing in Baltimore:"

A man after my own heart...


  1. You can bet the ranch that before this shit is over in Baltimore, Mullah Obama, in all his wisdom(?), will be blaming President Bush, Dirty Harry Reid will be blaming the Koch Brothers, and Hanoi Jane Fonda and Barbra Streisand will be there along side Al The Tax Cheat throwing rocks and screaming for more rioting. And, of course, Al The Tax Cheat will be raking in a pile of money from the poor black folks who can't afford it for his "contribution" in "helping" with the problem.

    Someone needs to "help" that sumbitch into the Florence Maximum Security facility, like last year. Or maybe a maximum security plot in Forest Lawn.


  2. Agree with both! Dems have controlled Baltimore since 1967! They STILL haven't fixed stuff from the 68 riots!!!

  3. Scottie - I like the Forest Lawn idea.

    NFO - yeah, but it's someone else's fault...

  4. Great, now that woman is going to have CPS looking for her.

  5. Yepper, our leaders "keeping it real".

  6. Don - I thought about that when I saw her hitting him and cussing him out.

    WSF - The mayor gave the rioters 'space to destroy.' The voters gave obama the same ting.
