Thursday, April 23, 2015

Earth Day Observations

The motto for the 45th anniversary of Earth Day, observed yesterday (Wednesday April 22, 2015), is "It's our turn to lead."

As the old saying goes, "Do as I say, not as I do."
At a pre-Earth Day concert at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. last Saturday, too few garbage cans overflowed with styrofoam and plastic non-biodegradable, non-recyclable trash from Earth-lovers, most of whom did not walk or bike to the event, but added to the carbon by driving there or even flying in.
Here's what the greenies left behind.

Here's how they got there.

Hey, I've got nothing against conservation. I love nature. I live in the country. I do all sorts of outdoorsy things like hiking, hunting, canoeing/kayaking, and the like. We leave most of our property in its natural state to conserve native habitat (and not, as my wife claims, because I'm lazy). We capture rainwater for household and irrigation use, we conserve energy (primarily to save $$$, but still...), we walk or bike when feasible, we do the whole Three R thing (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).

In short, we live what is arguably a more-than-average green lifestyle. Sure, we do it out of mixed motives - respect for nature, a desire to save money, convenience/self-reliance - but the bottom line is that we do it. We don't just say the words and then go our merry way, tossing styrofoam containers on the ground while piling aboard our limos and private jets.

Unlike so many liberals, we are not hypocrites.

Footnote: One of the leaders of the early Earth Day movement believed in the cause so strongly that he killed his girlfriend and composted her body.

You can't make this stuff up.

Ira Einhorn mug shot


  1. The "nobler" the cause, the bigger the hypocrite.

  2. Yeah, real 'weiners' there... as usual...

  3. I was in Taos, NM, after one of the first earth day celebrations. Never was there such a vortex of weirdos, hippies, rainbow people, etc. Many of them were eating McDonald's burgers out of styrofoam containers. They were all talk and no do.

  4. I was in Taos, NM, after one of the first earth day celebrations. Never was there such a vortex of weirdos, hippies, rainbow people, etc. Many of them were eating McDonald's burgers out of styrofoam containers. They were all talk and no do.

  5. WSF - no doubt.

    NFO - like you said, "as usual..."

    BB - kind of like Burning Man.
