Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I Am So Tired Of This Crap

obama and hillary, the darlings of liberals everywhere and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself), get a free pass when it comes to lying.

As I noted yesterday, barry said he first heard about hillary's use of a private email account while she was Sec. of State "through news reports."

Well, guess what. It turns out he lied.
... In a weekend interview, Obama told CBS News that it was only recently “through news reports” that he’d learned that Clinton was using a nongovernment email system.

But White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday that Obama had personally exchanged emails with Clinton on her private account — hdr22@clintonemail.com — and was therefore familiar with the address...

Of course, being a good weasel spokesman, Earnest immediately applied max spin to the revelation.
Earnest said Obama had been referring to when he learned the specifics of Clinton’s email system — such as the fact that she had a privately run email server and was using the private account exclusively.
The only problem with that is obama's own words make it quite clear that he did not say that.
(CBS News Correspondent Bill) PLANTE: "Mr. President, when did you first learn that Hillary Clinton used an e-mail system outside the U.S. government for official business while she was secretary of State?"

OBAMA: "At the same time as everybody else learned it, through news reports."
obama, hillary, and Earnest are what is often inelegantly and profanely referred to as "lying sacks of shit." IMO that's a pretty accurate description. I am totally fed up with the frequency and magnitude of their lies, not to mention the fact that they get away with it so often.

I don't understand why the American people put up with it...


  1. All of us "little" people just don't understand.

  2. So The Ayatollah Obama lied. What the hell else is new??


  3. NFO - And it's not just them - it's so many others...

    WSF - We aren't smart enough to understand what our betters do.

    Scottie - and the sun will rise in the east tomorrow.

  4. Tim: I thought it did, but what the hell do I know? I'm just an old retired (and tired)trucker that believes absolutely NOTHING The Ayatollah says.

