Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday Follies Happy Hour 2015.02.06

In honor of our recent trip to Belize...

This is most definitely not us, but it damn well could have been.

Great trip!


  1. LOL, fun was being had... Obliviously... :-D

  2. One other thing: Most of us with cars always had a rifle in the window rack, usually a .22. Back then the local scrap yard bought gopher tails for 2 cents each. And that part of north central Montana had jillions of gophers. That gave us all a little bit of spending money.

    And there was a tavern in a small village just outside of town that would sell a sack of beer, (this was before six-packs), usually Old Style lager, out the back door to anyone of us for 85 cents for 8 bottles. Remember, this was in the early 50s. The only ones who complained about it were usually our mothers.


  3. Scottie - great stories. I can just barely remember beer for 99 cents, but that was for a six pack of Falstaff...
