Monday, February 16, 2015

FOD 2015.02.16

barack obama first gained national attention for his 2004 keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention (Warning: gag-inducing suckupedness at the link). The speech (allegedly) showcased his eloquence and charisma.

I never bought into the eloquence and charisma narrative, but obviously enough people did to elect that worthless SCOAMF president - twice. Rather, when I hear someone mention his (alleged) eloquence, three phrases come to mind.

"Leading From Behind" - Contrary to the White House narrative, which aims to define Obama as a visionary leader, Leading from Behind reveals a president who is indecisive, moody, and often paralyzed by competing political considerations.
To be precise, leading from behind is a style, not a doctrine. Doctrines involve ideas, but since there are no discernible ones that make sense of Obama foreign policy... (it is) as ad hoc, erratic and confused as it appears...

And it surely is an accurate description, from President Obama’s shocking passivity during Iran’s 2009 Green Revolution to his dithering on Libya, acting at the very last moment, then handing off to a bickering coalition, yielding the current bloody stalemate. It’s been a foreign policy of hesitation, delay and indecision, marked by plaintive appeals to the (fictional) “international community” to do what only America can.
"Leading from behind" set the stage for the next obama administration Big Idea:

"Courageous Restraint" - a proposed medal to be awarded to U.S. and NATO troops for not opening fire.

Like most stupid ideas introduced by politicians and the brass, "troops respond(ed) to the concept of “courageous restraint” with a mixture of frustration and indifference." Fortunately, this one died an early death before being implemented. But it planted the seeds for:

"Strategic Patience" - As an actual definition, “strategic patience” is simple: it means inaction.
President Obama unveiled a national security strategy on Friday that called for "strategic patience" and warned against American "overreach" -- an approach that drew criticism as some lawmakers say the rising threat from the Islamic State demands a more urgent response.

The 29-page document is meant to serve as a blueprint for Obama's final two years in office ... Yet the long-awaited security agenda included no major course changes in the military campaign against Islamic State militants or in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
All this new 'strategy' does is put a new face on a tired old foreign policy - like an aging hooker putting on fresh makeup.
The strategy offered by the White House is mostly pablum. While sweeping generalities are not uncommon in such public documents, this one really just restates most of the Obama’s current policies and recasts them in the form of what they are calling a strategy.
It is simply a defense of obama's tepid response to world events, as opposed to a blueprint for the legitimate application of America's power - military, economic, and diplomatic - to address international threats ranging from Chinese aggression in the Pacific, foreign-sponsored cyberattacks, ongoing turmoil in the Mideast, expanding Islamic terrorism, Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, genocidal regimes in Africa and elsewhere, and much more.
His secretary of defense says “the world is exploding all over.” His attorney general says that the threat of terror “keeps me up at night.” The world bears them out. On Tuesday, American hostage Kayla Mueller is confirmed dead. On Wednesday, the U.S. evacuates its embassy in Yemen, cited by President Obama last September as an American success in fighting terrorism.

Yet Obama’s reaction to, shall we say, turmoil abroad has been one of alarming lassitude and passivity.
In other words, "strategic patience."


  1. You had me at SCOAMF. I would like to see our troops turn their backs to him.

  2. Strategic Patience = Paralyzed Inaction

  3. Randy - ditto

    WSF - same here

    NFO - along that same line, strategic patience = Dithering Obfuscation
