Wednesday, February 18, 2015

End Of An Error

Not only am I sick and tired of barry, I'm fed up with his whole damn family. They exhibit the same sense of entitlement that so many welfare leeches have, with absolutely no compassion or understanding for anyone else. They have no sense of duty, responsibility, or obligation that comes with being the First Family.

The latest example:
... just four weeks after returning from 17 days in Oahu the president headed to California for a weekend of golf and his wife and two daughters, for the fourth year in a row, headed to Aspen for a ski weekend.
That ski trip was kept pretty hush-hush, wasn't it? Didn't read anything about it or see it on the network news. I guess the obamas are getting a little sensitive to criticism of their extravagant vacations from us common folk.
... shortly after Americans witnessed a Jordanian pilot burned alive by ISIS, Obama flew to Rancho Mirage...  

Now, three days after the fact, we find out that after sending Dad packing for the weekend, Michelle and the girls quietly boarded an expensive Air Force jet and headed to the Tiehack home of the owners of the Aspen Skiing Co., Jim and Paula Crown.

As 21 Coptic Christians were being beheaded and 17 Kurds were being paraded around in cages with threats of being burned alive, and while radical Islamic terrorists shot up cafes and supermarkets, crucified children, and vowed to conquer Rome, an undeterred Mrs. Obama focused like a laser beam on Buttermilk Mountain.
Despite the Herculean efforts of their allies in the mainstream media, the story of mooch's ski vacation leaked out after the fact, thanks to a traffic accident. But even that gave us another example of the special treatment accorded michelle and her brood.
A police report from Sunday revealed that a motorcade carrying Michelle Obama and her girls was forced to stop when it came across a two car collision...

The road was closed for around 40 minutes - but not for the Obamas.

The presidential motorcade arrived at the scene and authorities let them 'sneak through while they waited on tow trucks,' said Police Chief Brian Olson.
I cannot wait until that asshole and his good for nothing relatives vacate the White House.