Monday, February 23, 2015

Bonus FOD - Assorted obama Bashing

Remember the uproar over obama's swap of suspected U.S. Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl? One of the unintended (perhaps) but undoubtedly not unexpected consequences of that decision has now come to light.
The brother of an American woman who was killed after spending months as a hostage of Islamic State militants says Kayla Mueller's situation worsened after the government traded five Taliban commanders for a captive U.S. soldier.

The militants increased their demands after the May swap for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, Eric Mueller told NBC's "Today" in an interview that aired Monday.

"That made the whole situation worse because that's when the demands got greater," he said. "They got larger. They realized that they had something."

Some U.S. lawmakers were outraged by the exchange of five Taliban commanders held at the Guantanamo Bay prison for Bergdahl, an Idaho native who left his post in Afghanistan and was captured and held by the Taliban for five years.

President Barack Obama's administration has defended the swap...
Of course it has. In their eyes he can do no wrong.

The media also believes barry is above reproach. Other politicians, not so much. Especially when they might be a credible republican candidate for the White House in 2016.
In the last two weeks the media has reported more about Scott Walker’s college years and personal beliefs than we still know about Barack Obama’s.
What a racist observation.

And of course, we have obama's non-strategy for defeating ISIS. You know, give them jobs and they'll stop beheading people.

Maybe we just need a kinder, gentler approach to radical islamists people of another faith who only wish to live in love and harmony with the rest of the world - like we used in dealing with another group of people bent on world domination back in WWII.

I know - we can extend the blessings of obamacare to the radical islamists people of another faith etc.

I could go on and on about Ukraine, Iran, the Keystone pipeline, illegal immigration, and other obama fiascos, but I've gotten myself so depressed that right now I need a Shiner break...


  1. Always a good read, and a good excuse for an adult beverage.

  2. Sigh... Pass one this way while you're at it...

  3. Let's all have another round - I'm buying...
