Monday, January 26, 2015

FOD 2015.01.26

I am beyond tired of barack hussein obama and his long list of failures. (For you masochists out there, here's an A-to-Z list, and here's an analysis of why there are so many).

That clown can't even use Twitter right.
Another Twitter embarrassment has been added to the political record, as US President Barack Obama followed the wrong David Cameron Twitter account.

Last month Obama expressed his “brotherly” love for (British Prime Minister) Cameron when he said: “He’s one of my closest and most trusted partners in the world.” They both see the world “in the same way,” Obama added.

...however, Obama overlooked Cameron’s @David_Cameron account in favor of the unconnected @DavidCameron handle.

The owner of @DavidCameron account lives in Oregon and tweets about Star Trek...
Sure sounds like Cameron is one of barry's "closest and most trusted partners in the world."

What a maroon...


  1. Yeah, epic fails... Still, again.

  2. It's just one f**k-up after another, going on for over six years now. What a mess...
