Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Doing Things The Right Way

I'm not a big basketball fan, but I'm a BIG San Antonio Spurs fan. Not only because of their success on the court, but because it's an organization that is devoted to doing things the right way. Their emphasis is on old-school American virtues such as teamwork, commitment, character, and yes, even diversity.

Don't misunderstand. It's not the liberal "we need to include everyone because diversity is our goal" notion. Rather, it's the truest form of diversity. The Spurs don't care where you're from, what ethnicity or gender you are, they just care about one thing - will you make the organization better?

Isn't that what diversity is supposed to do?

Their roster reads like an NBA UN.
  • Argentina (Manu Ginobili)
  • Australia (Patty Mills, Aron Baynes)
  • Brazil (Tiago Splitter)
  • Canada (Cory Joseph)
  • France (Tony Parker, Boris Diaw)
  • Italy (Marco Belinelli)
  • Virgin Islands (Tim Duncan)
They also have an assistant coach from Europe (Ettore Messina, "one of the most well-respected coaches in the game...") and the first full-time female assistant coach in the NBA (Becky Hammon).
Hammon said that (Spurs Head Coach Gregg) Popovich made it clear to her that the hiring was strictly related to her qualifications in basketball. “He says, ‘It just so happens you’re a woman,’ ” Hammon said.
That last point is worth repeating The Spurs' focus is on making the team better, not on making changes and appointments to satisfy some constituency or special interest group.

Our politicians could learn a valuable lesson from them.

Speaking of the Spurs and politicians, the team dropped in on obama at the White House yesterday to celebrate last season's championship. But true to form, they did it their way.
San Antonio Spurs icon Tim Duncan has accomplished many things in his storied career — five championships, two MVPs, 14 All-Star appearances, etc. — but he has never been much for dressing like a multimillionaire international superstar. Duncan's sartorial choices tend towards those of a relentlessly uncool record-store clerk and/or comic book geek, all genre references and oversized plaid shirts that, as a friend once put it, seem to have been picked up in a stack from a table at Costco.

Duncan and the rest of the reigning champion Spurs visited the White House on Monday for their post-title meeting with President Barack Obama. Like most other sports figures, they took the occasion seriously and arrived in their finest suits. Only Duncan, though, chose to go without the tie. Take a look at the photo:

Even obama seems to get it.
President Barack Obama is praising the sportsmanship of the San Antonio Spurs as ''a great metaphor for what America should be all about.''

Obama hosted the Spurs at the White House on Monday to celebrate their victory in the 2014 NBA championship.

Obama praised the Spurs for their public service efforts on literacy and community development in San Antonio.
For once, I find myself agreeing with barry.

Below is a six-minute comedy video that reflects some basic truths about the Spurs and San Antonio. Unless you're from these parts you may not get some of the inside jokes. If you are from around here you'll find it hilarious.