Monday, December 15, 2014

FOD 2014.12.15

This explains a lot...
President Obama discussed his morning ritual lately with ESPN radio host Colin Cowherd, admitting to feeling like the politics is a bit much at times, and he likes to kick back and watch some ESPN.

“Listen, I spend most of my time watching ESPN in the morning,” Obama said. “I get so much politics I don’t, you know, want to be inundated with a bunch of chatter about politics during the day.”

The Washington Free Beacon notes that the Government Accountability Institute reported Obama has missed 62.5 percent of his daily intelligence briefings during his presidency...
... Obama said he would turn on ESPN when reading a "really fat briefing book."
One would think that the presumed 'leader of the free world' would focus a little more on major issues affecting multiple countries and billions of people. Or at least on the many and major problems facing this country.

But nooo... who beat who in last night's basketball games is evidently more important.
