Friday, December 12, 2014

First Christmas Party Of The Year

Not much of a post today, because we went to the first of this year's Christmas parties last night.

Maybe more later...

For those of you who still work, some tips for your office party:
1- The office holiday party is a great opportunity for you to show your co-workers the more social and fun side of your personality. If you do not have a social and fun side to your personality, hang out with Accounting.

2 - Yes, at the office holiday party your only “work” is to shmooze, drink on the company dime, and chat it up with the most attractive people in the room. If you are in Marketing, today is “business-as-usual.”

3 - The office holiday party is also a great opportunity to talk to people you rarely interact with on a day-to-day basis. For instance, you may see the engineers talking to the receptionists. After 2 - 3 minutes of awkward, choppy, pause-riddled conversation, you will understand why these 2 groups should be restricted to hallway head nods.

And for those of us who are retired:

It's good to be retired...

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