Thursday, November 13, 2014


Okay, this is two days late, but here's a couple of post-Veterans Day stories. I especially love the first one, and am officially disgusted by the second one.

My New Hero: 108 Year Old Smoker, Drinker, and American Hero
Richard Overton is a 108-year-old World War II veteran who served at Pearl Harbor, and fought in both Okinawa and Iwo Jima … He also smokes 12 cigars a day, loves guns, and drinks whiskey with his coffee every morning.

The centenarian still lives in the house he bought when he returned from World War II, still drives an old Ford truck and a Chevy Monte Carlo and still helps "transport widows to church."
Way to go, Richard! I'm not a cigar smoker, but I'll join you in having a whiskey-laced cup of coffee first thing in the morning. It makes facing the day a whole lot easier.

That's a great feel-good story. Sadly, the following is a mega-downer.

School Cancels Veteran’s Day Ceremony… Because of 21-Gun Salute
(On Veterans Day) America honored its men and women in uniform for their bravery and sacrifice, unless that is, you live in Wisconsin’s Eau Claire School District where celebrating our liberties and freedoms should only be done when it’s convenient and politically correct.

...the school district has cancelled its Veteran’s Day program because the shooting of guns is “inappropriate.”

 For more than 80 years, a local Wisconsin school district had hosted a Veterans Day program to honor former soldiers, featuring a traditional 21-gun salute. But after reports earlier this year of parents and students feeling “uneasy” about the firing of guns on school grounds — even with blank rounds, as is customary in the 21-gun salute — the Eau Claire School District canceled the program.

Apparently, some parents complained to the school council – it’s not clear how many – but the town’s 80 year old tradition has now been cancelled. Well, maybe not cancelled, Veterans and those who want to celebrate can move down to the local Burger King parking lot, where the 21 gun salute has been authorized.
I'm not a big fan of fast food, but I'm going to have lunch at the local Burger King - and send an email to their corporate headquarters telling them why.

I wonder what 108-year-old veteran Richard Overton would have to say about this nonsense.

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