Monday, November 17, 2014

FOD 2014.11.17

Is this really a surprise?

School named for Barack Obama ‘fails to meet expectations’
It is a sad twist of political irony with serious consequences for students. The only school in Wisconsin currently named for President Barack Obama rates quite dismally on a state report card designed to measure school success.

The Barack Obama School of Career and Technical Education is part of Milwaukee Public Schools ... According to data from the state Department of Public Instruction, for the 2013-2014 academic year the school, listed as Obama Elementary, scored 39.4 out of 100.

On a grading scale, that means Obama Elementary is well below failing. Only 14 schools faired worse on the state report card.

“Fails to Meet Expectations” reads the entry next to the school’s score.
The unfortunate students at The Barack Obama School of Career and Technical Education now know how the rest of America feels ... reamed up the butt.


  1. If the shoe fits... Just sayin...

  2. Probably because Michelle hasn't visited and straighten out their lunch program.

  3. NFO - ironically appropriate, isn't it...

    WSF - no doubt... :-)

  4. The school renamed for The Ayatollah Obama hasn't performed to expectations. Neither has The Ayatollah Obama performed to the expectations of those fatheads who elected him, twice, I might add.

    But to those of us who voted against him (or anyone BUT him) those low expectations we had about him far exceeded our negativity about him.


  5. Scottie - you're right. We had very low expectations for obama, and he has lived down to them.

  6. The depression did more damage than Obama? Really?
    Maybe the Civil War but certainly not the depression. It's not even close.

  7. Gimme a break, Steve, it was the best graphic I could find on short notice... :-)
