Friday, October 3, 2014

Connect The Dots

News headlines:

Dallas Ebola shambles: Family try to break out of isolation at virus victim’s apartment as visitors come and go, up to 100 may be exposed and even cop cars are in quarantine
The response to the first Ebola case in the U.S. was in chaos today after it emerged that the exposed relatives of the contagious patient tried to break out of their apartment where the sweat-soaked, contaminated bedsheets and towels lay for days.

The patient's quarantined girlfriend Louise told CNN on Thursday that she had not been told what to do with the soiled linens used by Mr Duncan when he was ill and had not been given food.

The woman has been legally ordered to stay inside her Dallas apartment with her 13-year-old child and two nephews, who are both in their twenties, as they came in direct contact with Mr Duncan.

Among the 12 people being closely monitored were five children - who attend four area schools. Panic-stricken parents in the area pulled their kids out of classes after they received Ebola fact sheets and notes which said 'everything is fine'. Schools were also scrubbed down and extra nurses brought in to monitor any students with fevers or flu-like symptoms.

Up to 100 people in Texas are believed to have had contact with Ebola sufferer Thomas Eric Duncan since he developed symptoms of the deadly virus last Thursday at 10pm.
'The CDC is lying to us!': Doctor checks in at Atlanta airport in full protective gear to protest against disease center's handling of Ebola outbreak
A doctor checked in at Atlanta airport in protective goggles, gloves, boots and overalls in a bitter protest at the CDC for 'sugar-coating' the true scale of Ebola in the US.

It comes two days after a man in Texas became the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola in an American hospital.

And today it emerged a patient in Honolulu, Hawaii, has been placed in isolation with suspected Ebola.
Can't blame this one on Bush. Here's the story behind the story:

Obama nixed Bush-era quarantine proposal
In 2010, the Obama administration withdrew updated quarantine regulations drafted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and proposed by the Bush administration. The new rules would have required air passengers to submit more information to airlines and strengthened the government’s authority to detain travelers suspected of carrying disease.

In proposing updated regulations, the CDC called them “critical to protecting Americans from dangerous diseases spread by travelers.”

Four years later, the quarantine rules have not been updated. Maybe now they will be.
Even more damning:

Did Barack Obama Allow Ebola Into the U.S.?
Britain and France stopped flights from African countries afflicted by the disease some time ago, but the Obama administration declined to do the same. Now the first confirmed ebola case is in Dallas, having recently arrived from Liberia...
If they can do it why on God's Green Earth can't we? Maybe the TSA should worry more about who is coming into this country instead of groping domestic travelers.

Friggin' perverts...
President Obama said it was “unlikely” that ebola would break out in the United States, but he was wrong. So, where do we go from here? The Hill reports that the Obama administration does not intend to impose travel restrictions, even after ebola arrived via airplane from West Africa:
The White House said Wednesday it will not impose travel restrictions or introduce new airport screenings to prevent additional cases of Ebola from entering the United States.

Spokesman Josh Earnest said that current anti-Ebola measures, which include screenings in West African airports and observation of passengers in the United States, will be sufficient to prevent the “wide spread” of the virus.
But they weren’t sufficient to prevent the first case from arriving in Dallas...
I used to think that the best insurance against a coup or assassination attempt on obama was Joe Biden. Now I'm not so sure. Even that buffoon would be an improvement over the SCOAMF currently befouling the Oval Office. (Note to the Secret Service, although I don't know why I'm worried about you incompetent hacks - this is sarcasm, not a statement of intent.)

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