Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Battle For The Net

Today is "Internet Slowdown" day. The Internet won't actually slow down, but many Web-based companies and advocacy grouops will protest the FCC's proposed rules to allow firms to charge consumers more for special (that is, faster) access.
On Wednesday, some of the Web's biggest properties are staging a day of Internet protest to draw attention to net neutrality — the idea that broadband providers shouldn't speed up, slow down, block or otherwise manipulate the traffic that you request online. The demonstration will involve the likes of Netflix, Mozilla, Kickstarter, Etsy and WordPress, just to name a few. These sites will all show their visitors a "loading" icon representing how looser restrictions on Internet service providers (ISPs) could result in slower Web services for some. (Protest organizers are making clear that the icon won't actually slow down the Web, but simply act as a symbol.)
Net neutrality advocates argue that the proposed rules could lead to a two-tiered system with 'fast lanes' for companies that pay broadband providers for quicker delivery of content, as opposed to 'slow lanes' for firms that don't pony up the extra cash. This two-tiered system would favor large firms that have the means to pay, to the detriment of small or start-up firms with limited budgets.
"Consumers, not broadband , should pick the winners and losers on the Internet," a Netflix spokesman said. "Strong net neutrality rules are needed to stop Internet service providers from demanding extra fees or slowing delivery of content to consumers who already have paid for Internet access."
All you need to know about the proposed rules is that cable companies like TimeWarner support them.
The FCC proposed rules will allow cable giants like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon to create a two-tiered internet, with “slow lanes” for most internet companies, and “fast lanes” for corporations that are willing to pay extra for a faster service.
... and leading web companies oppose them.
Some of the world’s largest internet companies, including Etsy, Kickstarter, Mozilla, Reddit, imgur, Foursquare, Vimeo, and Wordpress announced on Thursday they will join more than 35 advocacy organizations and hundreds of thousands of activists on September 10 to show how the internet might look if the FCC’s proposed rules go into effect.
In fact, even some of the most popular sites on the Internet oppose the new rules.
... a Pornhub representative announced that Pornhub, Redtube, and Youporn will all be taking part in the Internet Slowdown on Sept. 10. The sites won’t be intentionally slowing down your favorite porn videos, but they will be posting a “big in-your-face message that users will need to close” before they can watch their desired videos. Combined, the three popular porn sites hope to reach upward of 50 million people to educate them about the need for net neutrality.
I don't know what it says about our society when three porn sites reach more than 50 million people, but I suspect it's not good...

You can join the fight at Battle for the Net.