Friday, August 15, 2014

Students Drive Teacher To Drink

I've raised three teenagers. I've also spent a couple of decades in the classroom. While I don't condone this person's actions, I can understand how she felt.

Arizona teacher accused of being drunk in class
An Arizona high school teacher who feared she was too inebriated to drive took a cab to work, then continued drinking throughout the day until students alerted administrators that she was cursing and yelling at them, authorities said Thursday.

Students at Poston Butte High School in San Tan Valley, about 35 miles southeast of Phoenix, called the school's main office Wednesday afternoon to report the behavior by Kathleen Jardine.

The school's principal and a sheriff's deputy met with Jardine. According to the deputy, Jardine initially denied being intoxicated. She later admitted that she had been drinking the night before, that morning and during lunch in her classroom.

The math teacher had a blood-alcohol level of 0.205 percent, which is 2 1/2 times the legal limit for drivers. A school security officer found a bottle of vodka, a bottle of white wine and a bottle of Sunny D orange drink in her classroom.
 Hey, at least she was responsible enough to take a cab to school instead of driving.


  1. " Hey, at least she was responsible enough to take a cab to school instead of driving."

    That puts her one-up on the Travis County DA.
