Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Why (Retired) Professors Drink

Thank God I'm retired. I'd totally lose it if crap like this popped up while I was still in the classroom.

Earlier this year the University of Wisconsin faculty senate adopted something called the Framework for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence. Said framework, among other things, “places the mission of diversity at the center of institutional life so that it becomes a core organizing principle.”

Funny, I always thought that providing students with a high quality education was the 'center of institutional life.' Silly me. But I digress
Although much of the language is a thicket of clichés, no one dared challenge it. Moreover, there was no probing of the ramifications of the plan. Apparently, “diversity” has become such a sacred cow that even tenured professors are afraid to question it in any way. 
Part of the framework includes something laughingly termed "representational equity." Back in the day, that used to be called 'affirmative action' - or, more accurately, the quota system.

Anyway, the University of Wisconsin has twisted this concept in such a way that, under the mantle of "representational equity," grades will be apportioned according to whatever diversity-sanctioned subgroup a student belongs to.
(Representational equity) calls for “proportional participation of historically underrepresented racial-ethnic groups at all levels of an institution, including high status special programs, high-demand majors, and in the distribution of grades.”

Especially shocking is the language about “equity” in the distribution of grades. Professors, instead of just awarding the grade that each student earns, would apparently have to adjust them so that academically weaker, “historically underrepresented racial/ethnic” students perform at the same level and receive the same grades as academically stronger students.  (emphasis added)
There's little doubt the progressives in charge of higher education today are doing their dead level best to destroy what used to be some of the best universities in the world. Sadly, they are well on their way to succeeding...


  1. YGTBSM!!! And sadly you're right... Time to talk the grandson into tech school and to hell with college...

  2. This crap was starting at Metro State College, Denver, CO in the late 60's, mainly in the liberal arts classes we were forced to take (music appreciation, anyone?).

    Wonder how a math professor is going to make this work?

  3. Here's another fine example of the 21st century higher education system is sliding to the left rapidly:


  4. NFO - Yep. Another plus to working in the trades is that your job won't be outsourced.

    WSF - Easy. Just give everyone an "A."

    Toejam - that story is about the same place (U. Wisconsin - Madison).

  5. When I was in college if you failed you didn't get credit for the class. It's the perfect deterrent to aimless students. If you can't hack it you shouldn't be there.
    Obviously the lunatic libs believe that they elected a President with an IQ under room temperature there must be more that affirmative action can save.

  6. It's the same today; fail = no credit. What's changed is that no one fails anymore. They get 'courtesy' C's or incompletes. Drove me crazy...
