Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Speaking Of A Horse's Ass

obama wandered around Denver Tuesday evening, pretending to be a normal guy just out on the town drinking beer and shooting pool.
President Barack Obama greeted supporters on a walk following dinner in downtown Denver, a night that resulted in shaking hands with a man in a horse mask, and shooting pool and drinking beers...

Shaking hands with a guy wearing a horse mask is pretty bizarre (and just how did he get past the Secret Service, anyway?). In fact, it's bizarre enough to immediately generate an Internet response that perfectly captures the essence of barry.

(H/T Moonbattery)


  1. Many of the Colorado Democrats are staying out of sight. Reminds me of the later years of Nixon.

  2. Yeah, I heard that Udall wouldn't even attend his own fundraiser because obama was there. Laughable...
