Thursday, July 17, 2014

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

Finally, the obama administration has a rare flash of common sense in the border brouhaha.

Good news: Obama administration supports a border fence
At last, an Obama administration official has come out in favor of a fence. He promises it will bring security to people on both sides of the border.
Sounds too good to be true, right?

It is.
Unfortunately, Philip Gordon, National Security Council coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf, was not speaking of a border fence between the United States and Mexico, but a fence between the West Bank and the 1967 Israeli border. That fence, he said, would be built after Israel relinquishes the territory in exchange for an empty promise of “peace” with the Palestinians.

Apparently Gordon hasn't noticed that missiles fly over fences...
Perhaps the most laughable part of Gordon's speech to the Ha'aretz Israel Conference for Peace was this line: “Israel should not take for granted the opportunity to negotiate that peace with (Palestinian President Mahmoud) Abbas, who has shown time and again that he is committed to nonviolence and coexistence with Israel.”
Yeah, right. And I have a bridge in Brooklyn that's for sale.

The ongoing violence between Israel and Hamas has been overshadowed here in the U.S. by the illegal immigrant crisis. But the simmering Mideast struggle is threatening to explode into a much larger conflict.
An effort to permanently stop the killing stalled Tuesday when Israel resumed airstrikes following a brief, one-sided cease-fire brokered by Egypt. While Israel paused for six hours, Hamas leaders rejected the deal and continued firing rockets.
Volumes have been written about the Israel-Palestine divide. I don't have much to add, other than I support the only Western-style democracy in the region. But I was struck by one paragraph in a recent news report.
Hamas officials said they ... want to see a broad agreement that would, among other things, end restrictions on border crossings...
Sound familiar?


  1. We are in the process of building a big fence between us and the neighbors. I live in the country on 75 acres so that I can have my critters - dogs, cats, horses, and whatever else I want. A couple of months ago two of my dogs went over to visit the neighbors. Whether they chased his cattle or had help from some other critter, I don't know. The neighbor killed one of my dogs and wounded the other. We paid a $500. vet bill for a calf that was injured. Being a rancher's wife, I understand this. On the other hand, this neighbor is a liar and hothead that has accused and killed other neighbor's dogs of similar crimes. So we are building a fence to keep my dogs in, to keep them safe, and to not have to see the neighbors on the other side. Now I just need to decide what I'm going to paint on the neighbor's side of the fence - maybe a finger.

  2. Sorry to hear about your dogs. A lot of ranchers will shoot dogs on their property. I understand why, but I always thought that was a little extreme. At least give your neighbor a warning first.

    As for what to paint on the fence, how about a picture of obama? That should REALLY piss him off.

  3. Sad... and I'm wondering how long it will take for 'that' to start happening here...

  4. That day is unfortunately getting closer and closer...
