Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Family Reunion

Wife and Daughter are back safe and sound from their UK excursion. In addition to memories and pictures, they brought back an assortment of souvenirs. There were the usual t-shirts and trinkets, but they also came back with two items especially for me, both of which I highly prize and will treasure henceforth.

The first is was a bar of exquisite dark chocolate - heavenly, delightful, and too good not to eat all in one sitting.

The second is a coffee cup that quite appropriately portrays my role in this household.

It's good to be the King Lordship!


  1. Enjoy the chocolate. Just like the lordship it won't last forever. BTDT but the lordship can be regained with gifts reciprocated.

  2. Mel - you're right about both. But it's nice while it lasts...

  3. LOL, enjoy it while it last... is it over yet???
