Thursday, June 5, 2014

Worst First Pitch Ever

Some alleged entertainer who calls himself 50 Cent threw out the first pitch at a Mets game the other day. It has to be the worst first pitch ever in the history of baseball.

However, as I used to tell my students, an assertion without supporting data is just an opinion. So below is a chart cataloging a sample of first pitches (click to embiggen).

You'll also notice that the chart suggests the best first pitch was thrown by former President George W. Bush.

Just for grins, here's a video contrasting Bush's pitch with one from noted limp-wrist barack obama.

I know which one I'd want on my team...


  1. My first thought upon looking at your graph was, "How in Hell did the Ryan Express miss that badly?!?"

  2. Yep, that's a loser right there!!!

  3. Bear - maybe Nolan was brushing someone back...?

    NFO - when my daughter was 6 years old she threw better than that ... with her left hand!
