Friday, June 13, 2014

What A Worthless A$$hole

Why let reality ruin a perfectly good weekend?

After Recent String of Successes, Obama Heads to Palm Springs to Unwind and Celebrate
Nothing else going on these days for Obama to focus on other than the U.S. Open and NBA Finals, so what better time for our heroic president to squirrel away to Palm Springs?

Peace is erupting around the globe, his many phony scandals are all in the rearview mirror, his popularity is at record levels and he hasn’t played golf in at least five days.

Party on, Barry!
More on his Palm Springs visit here.

Good thing there aren't any crises or pressing issues that need his attention...


  1. I can't even say what I'm thinking... dammit...

  2. Keep your blood pressure under control - let it out...
