Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Here We Go Again

This was not a good weekend for supporters of the Second Amendment. High-profile incidents on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday will undoubtedly give the anti's ammunition to further their gun control agenda.

The first incident occurred on Thursday.
The man accused of killing one person and wounding two others in a shooting spree at a small Christian college in Seattle suffers from "significant and long-standing mental health issues" that were a factor in the tragedy, his lawyer said on Friday.

...defense attorney Ramona Brandes also said her client had been involuntarily committed in the past because of mental illness.

Local media reports citing unidentified police sources have said Ybarra, who is not a student at the college, was fascinated with mass shootings at other schools, including the 1999 Columbine High School massacre in Colorado.

The bloodshed in Seattle marked the latest in a series of mass shootings at schools and other public places across the United States in recent years that have renewed a national debate over gun safety and mental illness.
The Seattle incident was followed by one on Friday in which another whacko attacked a Georgia courthouse.
Authorities killed a man Friday whom they say shot a sheriff's deputy in the leg outside the Forsyth County Courthouse.

The man, gun trader (emphasis added) Dennis Ronald Marx, 48, drove up on the sidewalk in front of the courthouse at about 10 a.m. ET, threw spike strips and explosives out his car window to keep officers from reaching him then began shooting through the windshield of his SUV with an assault rifle, Forsyth County Sheriff Duane Piper said. Deputies returned fire, shooting Marx multiple times.

Marx's lawyer described her client as "as slightly unstable at times..."
Oh great, that's all we need. How long before there's legislation introduced requiring mental examinations of all 'gun traders,' however that's defined.

Another story described Marx as a "sovereign citizen" (whatever the heck that is).
Dennis Marx was part of an anti-government group that has been tied to violent attacks on law enforcement around the country, said Forsyth County Sheriff Duane Piper.
Then on Sunday a pair of whackos went berserk in Las Vegas. They were immediately painted as right-wing militia types.
A Las Vegas couple who gunned down two police officers and a civilian before killing themselves apparently looked at law enforcement as oppressors, a sheriff's department official said Monday.

Among the clues: a "Don't Tread on Me" flag and a Nazi swastika the couple placed on one of the police officers they ambushed Sunday...

"There is no doubt that the suspects have some apparent ideology that's along the lines of militia and white supremacists," (Second Assistant Sheriff Kevin) McMahill said.
Brace yourself for the inevitable outcry from the usual suspects.

Who will, as usual, miss the point...


  1. That cartoon is dead on... And the good guy is dead as a result of confronting the two in Vegas, because he lost SA, and missed the woman.

  2. Yeah, I read that. In his defense, though, very rarely are mass shooters female. Give him credit for trying, and learn from his mistake...

  3. Another school shooting adds fuel to their misplaced fire.
