Saturday, June 14, 2014

Fly Her High

Today is National Flag Day.

On 14 June 1777 the Continental Congress approved the first American flag. Many years later, on May 30, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation calling for a nation-wide observance of Flag Day. In 1949 President Harry Truman signed an Act Of Congress designating June 14th of every year as National Flag Day.

This year's Flag Day has added significance.

Flag Day: The power of those broad stripes and bright stars
Americans observe Flag Day each year on June 14, the day when the Continental Congress first issued the U.S. Flag in 1777. This year’s Flag Day is extra special because 2014 also the 200th anniversary year of The Star-Spangled Banner, our national anthem written by Francis Scott Key, a Maryland attorney. The U.S. Flag, America’s most recognizable symbol, inspired Key to write his famous song’s lyrics.
Go to the link to read the rest. Well worth your time.

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