Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial FOD - 2014.05.26

Given that today is Memorial Day, I was going to forgo any political commentary out of respect for our veterans. Then I saw this crap
President Barack Obama landed Sunday in Afghanistan on an unannounced trip to visit with U.S. forces on Memorial Day weekend. He thanked the troops for their service as the United States hands over responsibility to Afghan forces.

"Al Qaeda is on its heels in this part of the world, and that's because of you," Obama said.
Al Qaeda is on its heels in that part of the world? Not everyone agrees with that assessment.
Obama was articulating an oft-repeated White House mantra: Al-Qaeda Central—based in Afghanistan and Pakistan—has been weakened dramatically...

There’s certainly truth to this perspective, but it’s also misleading: it understates the continued clout of core al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and ignores the presence of al-Qaeda-linked organizations throughout the AfPak region...

In the fall of 2012, while Obama was on the presidential campaign trail trumpeting the “decimation” of al-Qaeda, General John Allen—then the supreme commander of international forces in Afghanistan—was warning that the organization had “reemerged” in that country. An Associated Press report at the time found that al-Qaeda “remains active inside Afghanistan, fighting U.S. troops, spreading extremist messages, raising money, recruiting young Afghans,” and helping other radical groups.

Al-Qaeda’s presence in Pakistan, where the bulk of the group’s core leadership and many of its fighters fled from Afghanistan in 2001, is even stronger...
Meanwhile, back with barry on his Afghanistan trip:
After the event, Obama will head to a hospital to visit troops.

(An administration official) said the VA scandal was not “a factor in the planning of this trip...”
Yeah, right...
While Obama didn't address the scandal, he did praise veterans, promising to help members of the U.S. military transition into civilian life ... reiterating that taking care of U.S. veterans is Americans’ “sacred obligation.”
As the Native Americans would say, white black man speak with forked tongue.

Al Qaeda terrorists at Guantanamo treated better than our vets

The facts: there are approximately 150 terroists in Guantanamo. There are roughly 100 doctors, nurses and health care personnel assigned to them. That's a patient-to-health care provider ratio of 1.5 to 1. By contrast, there are somewhere around nine million veterans receiving health care from the VA.  The number of VA employees - not just health care professionals, but clerical, administrative maintenance, and other workers - is approximately 267,930. That's a 35 to 1 ratio.

Lying about the situation on the ground in Afghanistan. Lying about his concern for and commitment to our military. This guy is nothing but a lying scumbag.

To me, it is blatantly obvious that obama's trip to Afghanistan is 100% political. His only concern about our troops and veterans is how best to use them to further his agenda.


  1. And he's using the trip to 'move' the headlines off the VA scandal...

  2. No doubt he's trying. But I think that for once he may have underestimated the American people. At least, I hope so...
