Monday, May 19, 2014

FOD 2014.05.19

Is anyone really surprised by this? (H/T Weasel Zippers)

Obama Fails to Acknowledge Armed Forces Day, But Does Recognize ‘International Day Against Homophobia Or Transphobia’
(Friday) was Armed Forces Day. Armed Forces Day was created under Harry Truman in 1949, celebrating all the branches of the military. Among other things, it was meant to be a day to honor and acknowledge the people of the Armed Forces of the United States.

Many recognized it... including Senator Ted Cruz and Rep. Darrell Issa:

But our President, our Commander-In-Chief, failed to recognize it in his Twitter account, although the account recognized ‘International Day Against Homophobia Or Transphobia’, even using the #IDAHOT hashtag.

Various embassies followed suit, going to the trouble to recognize the IDAHOT date by displaying the Pride flag, but making no mention of Armed Forces Day:

It shows what his priorities really are.

Here's another example.

VA Fast-Tracks Sex Change for Manning While Vets Die on Waiting Lists
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has formally approved the request of Pvt. Bradley Manning, convicted for leaking classified documents to Wikileaks, to be temporarily transferred out of military custody in order to undergo expensive hormone therapy and surgery to become a woman.

As the medical needs of Manning, convicted in 2013 and sentenced to 35 years in prison for stealing 750,000 classified defense department documents in order to disseminate them to Wikileaks, were being assiduously attended to by America’s defense establishment, untold hundreds of American servicemen and women suffering from genuine life-threatening and acute medical conditions have allegedly been left to die on at least seven waiting lists managed by the US Veterans Administration.
Nothing against the GLBT community, but the people who place their lives on the line to keep us safe and (somewhat) free deserve much better treatment than what they're getting at the hands of obama and his minions.