Monday, May 12, 2014

FOD 2014.05.12 - Updated

As most of you know by now, the House of Representatives has approved the formation of a 'select' committee to investigate - again - the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi that left four Americans dead. Past committees have been stonewalled in their efforts to determine who knew what, when they knew it, what was done or not done, and by whose orders.
The 12-member panel, split 7-5 in the GOP's favor, will centralize all other House probes into its own investigation. It has no date certain for conclusion and could run in to the next Congress, which begins in January. The committee is tasked with investigating the circumstances that led up to the attack, including the Obama administration's response and communications surrounding it.
Those are without a doubt important questions. But there is one other question that I'd really like to see answered.

Where the hell was obama while our consulate was going up in flames, our ambassador was killed, sodomized, and dragged through the streets, and Americans fighting back against the terrorists were abandoned to die without a finger being lifted to save them?

It now looks like he was actively working to take political advantage of the situation, or at least minimize any political damage from it, while brave men were dying. (Keep in mind that the Benghazi attack took place on September 11, 2012, just two months before the presidential election.)
As the House gears up for a special select committee on Benghazi under the direction of U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., information has been uncovered that will point the committee in the right direction when it seeks evidence on where Barack Obama was on the night of the attack. For eight months no one at the White House, or the State Dept., or the Defense Dept. has gone on the record to state what the president was doing as his Libyan ambassador and three other Americans were being slaughtered by terrorists. Obama himself has also managed to avoid answering that question.

But the evidence tells the tale. It all started last week when former National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor told Bret Baier of Fox News that Obama was never in the Situation Room at the White House at all that horrific afternoon and evening. But he was, indeed, in the White House during the entire massacre. Where was he, then, if he was in the White House but was not engaged with military brass in the Situation Room attempting to figure out how the ambassador and others could be rescued?

At 3:40 p.m., Washington time, the number two man at the American embassy, who was in Tripoli at the time, was notified by Ambassador Stevens that the consulate was under attack. Shortly thereafter, the State Dept. was notified. By 4:05 p.m. the State Dept. issued an alert to all American embassies around the world that the Benghazi consulate was under attack. The Pentagon was also notified.

It so happened that the Commander of U.S. Africa Command, Gen. Carter Ham, was at the Pentagon when the news came in. Ham immediately notified the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. Martin Dempsey. At that point both Ham and Dempsey personally shared the information with Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta.

At 5 p.m. both Panetta and Dempsey met with Obama at the White House for a meeting that had already been scheduled in advance. But the Libyan attacks took center stage, and Obama authorized Panetta and Dempsey to "take appropriate steps" to handle the situation. This would be the only time the two would have contact with Obama during the entire evening. They never spoke to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at all.

By 7 p.m. EST the protracted attacks at the Benghazi consulate were still ongoing. And where was Obama? He was in the White House, for sure, but holed up in the family quarters where he then stayed for the rest of the night.

How do we know this information? Because at 7 p.m., according to White House phone logs, Obama called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from a phone in the family quarters. Obama was concerned about reports that Netanyahu felt snubbed by Obama, particularly given that it was so close to the presidential election, and Obama desperately needed to count on the Jewish vote.

At 10 p.m. Obama made another call from the family quarters at the White House. But no one was willing to admit that he did so. For five months there had been multiple denials that Obama made any more calls after his conversation with Netanyahu. Even Chuck Hagel denied flatly that Obama made this 10 p.m. call when asked about it during Senate confirmation hearings on Hagel's nomination to become Defense Secretary. Further, the White House had sent an official letter to the Senate stating that Obama had made no phone calls at all the night of Sept. 11, 2012.

But it would be none other than White House Chief Spokesman Jay Carney who would later let the cat out of the bag. During a news conference Carney stated that Obama was in touch with his national security team constantly throughout the night, and that he had called Secretary Clinton at 10 p.m. to "get an update."

Thus, the truth finally came out about the 10 p.m. conversation between Hillary and Obama. And why is that significant? Because shortly after that call, at roughly 10:30 p.m., Hillary issued a news memo on the attack which specifically blamed the massacre on an anti-Islamic film, an Internet video, made in the United States. She claimed that the inflammatory nature of the Internet video sparked outrage and spontaneous protests around the Muslim world. It was here, therefore, that the meme began that the consulate attack was spontaneous and perpetrated by protesters who had been offended by the film.

Yet no one at the Defense Dept., or the U.S. military, nor anyone on the ground in Libya had mentioned anything at all about a supposed violent spontaneous protest at the Libyan consulate. The CIA, which had operatives in the region, also confirmed that there had been no such protest in Benghazi against the film.

One thing, however, could be confirmed as early as 7 p.m. EST. The CIA and the U.S. military knew that this was a terrorist attack, pure and simple. And the group that claimed responsibility for it, Anshar al-Sharia, had direct connections to al Qaeda, which had not been decimated at all as Obama claimed but was still very much alive and well, operating through various and sundry localized terrorist groups going by various names. No one outside of Hillary and Obama had mentioned a single word about an inflammatory film in connection with the attacks. It was rank terrorism, period.

So, what was Obama doing throughout the night of Sept. 11, 2012 and likely into the wee hours of the morning on Sept. 12? He was developing campaign strategy in the family quarters of the White House, desperately attempting to figure out how to deflect attention away from his failed foreign policy and directing that attention squarely to an obscure Internet video that no one had even heard about in Libya, much less seen.
For that, if for no other reason, that slimy little spineless political hack deserves to be impeached for gross dereliction of duty. He deliberately turned his back on the life and death struggles of men better than he'll ever be in order to further his political ambitions.


Updated at 11:00 a.m. CDT to add:

Just when you think the Benghazi deniers can't get any more detached from reality, this moonbat opens her mouth. Appearing on The McLaughlin Group over the weekend, Eleanor Clift had this to say.
ELEANOR CLIFT: I would like to point out Ambassador Stevens was not murdered. He died of smoke inhalation in the safe room in that CIA installation.

SUSAN FERRECHIO: I don't think that's a fact, Eleanor.

CLIFT: I think that is a fact.

FERRECHIO: I've heard a drastically different story from people who are also in the know about that. So, I don't think it is --

PAT BUCHANAN: It was a terrorist attack, Eleanor. He was murdered in a terrorist attack.

CLIFT: It was an opportunistic terrorist attack that grew out of that video.
(FYI, if you're like me you've never heard of this idiot. Eleanor Clift "is a liberal political reporter, television pundit, and author. She is currently a contributing editor for Newsweek magazine and blogger for The Daily Beast. Her column, "Capitol Letter", is posted each week on the Newsweek and MSNBC websites.")

Oh. My. God. Where to begin?

I don't know how Ambassador Stevens died. But whether he was shot, stabbed, poisoned, or died from smoke inhalation, he was murdered. If I burn down your house with you inside it and you die,that's murder, regardless of whether you died from burns, the roof caving in on you, or smoke inhalation.

As for the 'it's the video's fault' excuse, that bullshit has been thoroughly discredited.
Newly obtained emails on Benghazi show then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice was coached by a key White House aide to lie and ignore the facts known and reported on the ground to make the administration look good.

(One of the emails), with the subject line: "RE: PREP Call with Susan: Saturday at 4:00 p.m. ET," was sent to other key White House staffers such as then-Communications Director David Plouffe and Press Secretary Jay Carney the day before now-National Security Adviser Susan Rice made her whirlwind tour on five Sunday news show appearances to specifically and emphatically blame an Internet video for the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, in which U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other nationals were killed.
 So why do these obama and hillary apologists keep repeating the same lie over and over? Joseph Goebbels has the answer.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
Especially when you are aided and abetted by a complicit media...


  1. Nixon at least had the balls to resign over something a LOT less serious than this... Just sayin...

  2. Yeah, and no one was killed as a result of Watergate...
