Monday, May 5, 2014

FOD 2014.05.05

It's no secret that I think barack obama is a pathetic excuse for a president. His failed policies, both foreign and domestic, are numerous and epic. But his patheticness doesn't stop there. He is a bald-faced liar and hypocrite to boot. Here's a couple of recent examples.
Though the administration billed the President’s Day weekend trip to California as an effort to highlight the state’s severe water drought, the White House official schedule showed the president spent just four hours at three drought-related events on the afternoon of Friday, February 14. He then spent much of the next three days playing golf at some of Coachella Valley, California’s, most exclusive golf courses, which, according to Fox News, “consume roughly 17 percent of all water there, and one quarter of the water pumped out of the region’s at-risk groundwater aquifer.” Each course uses nearly 1 million gallons of water a day.

During March 7 – 9, the First Family spent Spring Break at Key Largo, Florida’s, exclusive Ocean Reef Club, where members must have a minimum net worth of $35 million to join.  According to its website, “the Club boasts two championship 18-hole courses, a rarity in the Florida Keys … a salon and spa, more than a dozen restaurants, a 175-slip marina, a private airport, and so much more.” The costly Spring Break vacation took place on the heels of Obama’s State of the Union Address in which he focused on income inequality.
While barry is having fun on the golf course, our country's economy staggers along. The so-called 'recovery' pales in comparison to Reagan's economic boom following the 1981 recession, as shown by the charts below.

Worst of all, under obama people are dropping out of the labor force at an appalling rate.

Back in 2012, The Government Accountability Institute compiled the number of hours obama spent golfing compared to the number of hours he spent in "economic meetings or briefings of any kind."

That shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention...


  1. Yep, it sucks... no other way to say it... But the Dems love it, more on welfare=more voters for them...

  2. What baffles me are my progressive acquaintances who still believe him. Goes to show you can have advanced degrees and still be a damn fool.

  3. NFO - that's their plan, but eventually they're going to run out of other people's money...

    WSF - intelligence is not the same as common sense.
