Saturday, May 24, 2014

Breaking News - Mass Shooting

The following happened late last night. Details are just now beginning to emerge.

Shooting rampage in college town leaves 7 dead - BMW is seen 'spraying bullets'
Seven people, including a suspected shooter, died when a man opened fire from a slow-moving BMW Friday night in a small Southern California college town...
How much longer will we put up with tragedies like this? How much longer will we let powerful special interest groups thwart the will of the people? When will we pass meaningful legislation to prevent future mass murders?

The solution is obvious. We need a waiting period and background checks before anyone can purchase a BMW. We also need to close the car show loophole that allows people to buy BMWs from a source other than an authorized dealer.

Only then will we be safe...


  1. You and I both know it will be turned around... and 'our' fault... sigh... Nothing about the criminal that perpetrated those attacks, it will ALL be about the gun. Dammit...

  2. What has come to light is that he killed more people with a knife and his car, than he did with his leagally-obtained guns. Yet, it will still be played by the media as a mass shooting.

  3. And now his father is blaming the NRA. Seems to me he should be looking in a mirror...
