Tuesday, May 20, 2014

As God Is My Witness, I Thought Turkeys Could Fly

These people have way too much time on their hands.

Utah denies petition to honor turkeys with roadside memorial
The Utah Department of Transportation has denied a petition to erect a roadside memorial at the site where hundreds of turkeys were killed last month in a tractor-trailer accident...

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, has requested a permit for a sign marking the spot near the rural town of Wallsburg where a truck hauling more than 700 live turkeys crashed through a guard rail on U.S. Highway 189 and plunged into a reservoir on April 24.

The PETA-proposed sign would include the Transportation Department's standard safe-driving messages along with an image of a turkey and the words, “In memory of the hundreds of terrified turkeys who died here in a truck crash. Try vegan.”

... in a letter sent Friday, the agency said PETA’s request did not meet Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) policy standards for roadside memorials, which are designed to pay tribute to highway accident fatalities on behalf of grieving loved ones.

In a letter of appeal filed with the agency on Monday, PETA countered that "turkeys in the factory farming industry have no living relatives."
How do they know? Is there a record somewhere of turkey family trees?
"These individuals (the turkeys), who develop strong bonds and feel pain just as we do, are as deserving of our empathy as are human crash victims..."
Not only that, they're delicious.

Reminds me of the old WKRP in Cincinnati TV show episode about turkeys...


  1. I swear those people have NO grip on reality...

  2. They definitely live in a different world than the rest of us.
