Thursday, April 10, 2014

Missed The Bus

Imagine obamacare is a bus. If you just missed the bus (the March 31 signup 'deadline') the next one won't come around until Jan. 01, 2015.
There is yet another ObamaCare surprise waiting for consumers: from now until the next open enrollment at the end of this year, most people will simply not be able to buy any health insurance at all, even outside the exchanges.
"It's all closed down. You cannot buy a policy that is a qualified policy for the purpose of the ACA (the Affordable Care Act) until next year on January 1," says John DiVito, president of Flexbenefit which has 2,500 brokers.
John Goodman of the National Center for Policy Analysis in Dallas adds, "People are not going to be able to buy individual and family policies, and that's part of ObamaCare. And what makes it so surprising is the whole point of ObamaCare was to encourage people to get insurance, and now the market has been completely closed down for the next seven months."
That means that with few exceptions, tens of millions of people will be locked out of the health insurance market for the rest of this year.
You can read more about the implications of that particular 'feature' of obamacare at the linked article.

I can only shake my head (again). As more and more details of that pile of bull excrement leak out, it becomes more and more obvious what a wrethced piece of legislation it is.  I am continuely amazed that anyone defends it anymore. It is a spectacular failure in terms of its stated objective - to bring affordable health insurance to everyone.

Which leads to the obvious question: is obamacare in reality a smokescreen for another, more nefarious, objective? Such as destroying our existing health care system in order to replace it with a single-payer system, such as Canada's or Great Britain's?

So we're left with two alternatives. One, obama is a total incompetent who has the reverse Midas touch - everything he touches turns to crap.  Two, obama is an evil Machiavellian genius who devised and implemented this incredibly complex plan designed to crater an industry that makes up around 20% of our national economy?

In other words, incompetent clown or evil genius?

Based on everything else I've seen about him, I vote for incompetent clown...


  1. Unbelievable... just ^&*%$ unbelievable...

  2. It's like a circus clown car ... the surprises just keep on coming.

  3. Sorry CTT,

    My vote: He's a genius.

    It's all a calculated plan to drive the entire nation into a government run and administered health-insurance program.

    And, it's working!

  4. Toejam, I could believe that if he'd shown any other signs of genius - or even competence. I have no doubt that's his desire, but I think he's achieving it more by blind dumb luck than by intelligence.
