Monday, April 14, 2014

FOD 2014.04.14

Out of town friends were here this weekend ... plus a round of golf on Friday ... plus a charity event Saturday night (read: open bar, silent auction, and live auction - I didn't win anything, but it wasn't for lack of trying) ... plus a golf tournament Sunday ... plus friends over for dinner Sunday night.

Bottom line - I'm relying on others for today's FOD.

Remember how obama caved in to Iran on the whole nuclear processing thing? Haven't seen much about that in the media lately, have we. Here's an update:
The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran announced that Iran retains the right to enrich uranium to weapons grade, and said that Iran will build four new nuclear power plants with Russian assistance...
Iran has no plans to relinquish the construction or operation of its heavy water reactor...
The Iranian armed forces emphasized today that the army will not accept an “irrational” agreement limiting Iran’s nuclear capabilities...
Also, notice how silent the mainstream media has been on the Ukraine situation. Here's an update on that:
Yesterday there was violence in eastern Ukraine, as armed men loyal to Russia seized police stations in several cities, and the Russian flag was raised in some locations...
Obama has shown that he doesn’t know when to avoid non-credible bluster (Syria) and yet he doesn’t seem reluctant, surprisingly, to threaten force when in a (political) jam; it’s a dangerous combination. He has now walked into a potentially devastating trap in eastern Europe and allowed a crisis to develop in which we have no good options...
I remember when America was a country to be respected and feared. Now we are laughed at and mocked, thanks to obama.

Too bad the SOB wasn't on  Malaysia Airline Flight 370...


  1. Too bad the SOB wasn't on Malaysia Airline Flight 370...


  2. Especially if he took Hillary, Pelosi, and Reid along with him...
